transition of aspiration

August 03, 2023 - Faiza Farah

Elevate Your Skills: Top 5 Courses on BYLCx

Continuous personal and professional self-development might seem time-consuming and expensive when one is studying or working full-time. With the proliferation of online learning platforms such as BYLCx, one can access a wide range of courses to build their soft and technical skills. Be it a student, a young professional, or someone looking to learn new 21st-century skills, BYLCx has a diverse selection of courses for you. The cherry on top is that all these courses are available for free!

Check out these five courses to master your professional skills.

1. Résumé Writing Masterclass
Your resume provides a window into your skill sets and experience. It’s probably the most important step when applying for a job. This course provides you with insights from experts, tips, and tricks to help your resume stand out from the crowd.

2. Excel for Professionals (Part-1) & (Part-2)
Learn the basics of Excel with Part 1 of Excel for Professionals on BYLCx. Know how you can navigate through and analyze data, perform business-centric formulae, and be time-efficient with this fundamental course. For enhanced knowledge, enroll in the second part of this course. Learn complex Excel functions, advanced data visualization, and presentation to build your expertise.

3. Introduction to 21st-Century Skills
Research has indicated a positive correlation between 21st-century life skills and increased attendance levels, improved classroom behavior, and better academic performance. Skills such as communication, critical thinking, leadership, resilience, and creativity can make all the difference in how you adapt to a fast-changing world. 

4. Writing Professional Emails
Start off a professional email with a ‘hey’ and rest assured that you won’t be getting a callback from that potential employer. If you want to master the craft of drafting the perfect email, try out this course on BYLCx to convey the right message in the right manner.

5. Business Presentation Basics
A presentation can make or break your career. An excellent business presentation is all about effective communication and authentic content. Check out this course to learn how you can make effective presentations by blending storytelling, data analysis, design principles, and confident speaking