Making Eid Green

June 14, 2022 - Radeeyah Zaman Khan

Making Eid Celebrations Green

Eid-ul-Adha focuses on two central themes, “sacrifice” and “sharing.” Celebrations have been more festive than ever this year, as people can rejoice together after two long years of staying at home during the pandemic. While we embrace each other and all the grandeur, let us also be mindful of the way our celebrations affect the earth and organize our festivities in a manner that is aligned with the climate change crisis. Here are some simple ways to keep your Eid celebrations green:

Don’t splurge on outfits:

The spirit of Eid happiness lies in the gift of giving. It has been a long tradition to be adorned in new outfits on Eid morning. However, this Eid you may choose to not purchase something from the higher end but opt for something lower in the budget so that the difference can be donated to those who are less fortunate. It can also be a great idea to donate your previous Eid outfits to someone who needs it.

The 3/3 rule of food:

Eid celebrations mean a full spread of scrumptious dishes at every lunch and dinner. However, we must be mindful when consuming them. Try to make only as much as is required. Keep in mind the 3/3 rule of food: eat until one-third of your stomach is full, drink until one-third is full, and leave the remainder to breathe!

Respect to the sacrificial animals:

When choosing the animal to sacrifice for Eid, it is important to consider if the animals are raised on farms ethically and are pasture-fed. It might be slightly costlier, but it is a practice that is better for the animals, for your health, and the environment as well. Moreover, try to ensure a humane sacrifice, meaning that when a cow or goat is sacrificed, please make sure that other animals are not present in the scene to witness it.

Give gifts that have value:

Giving gifts is another long-held tradition of Eid festivities. If you want to try something different and go green, choose to gift people tiny plants or donate to plant a tree in their name. You could also craft something thoughtful using recycled materials.

Keep things Clean:

There are designated spots in the city to conduct the slaughter and disposal of animal entrails. It is important to clean up after. Failure to do so may attract all sorts of diseases and insects as the remains decompose. Also, it should be kept in mind a lot of people are squeamish about seeing blood and the slaughter being carried out, so be respectful of others, and make sure to dump the debris where it won’t cause any pollution.

Go plastic-free:

While hosting parties during Eid, choose to avoid plastic cutlery. Let’s make sure to use alternatives such as Tupperware, reusable bags, or lined cardboard boxes when distributing the meat to others so that we do not pollute the environment with countless plastic bags.